Pisces • Feb 19 - March 20
The Do's
Learn to let tragic movies or dramatic pieces of music bring a tear to your eye. Your Pisces will appreciate your sensitivity...and will kiss your tears away.
Get in touch with your compassion and with your inner love for every being in the universe. Your Pisces can help you to empathize with all the forces in the universe, and help you understand why they deserve your love.
Learn how to communicate a thousand expressions of love - all without saying a word. Your Pisces will be able to read your soul by looking into your eyes.
Be a good support to your Pisces; learn how to ground them without dragging them too far down to earth. Your Pisces will teach you how to notice shooting stars and pictures in the clouds.
Think of ways to show your Pisces that a true love story of the classic variety can exist between the two of you today. They will, in turn, show you how this love story can last forever.
Enjoy good art and fine wine - Your Pisces will love you for it.
The Don'ts
Don't rely on your Pisces to be the financially astute one in the relationship. A Pisces would often rather leave financial matters up to others; their mind is in a different place.
Don't reproach a Pisces too harshly for being a daydreamer instead of a doer. The Fish are known for being in tune with the spiritual, not the material.
Never knock old-fashioned, hearts-and-flowers true love. Pisces believe that it exists, and are not going to be satisfied with a casual affair instead.
Be careful not to step on your Pisces by accident; you may injure their feelings without even noticing. A Pisces might not yell or throw things when they get hurt, but they feel it very deeply all the same.
Never treat your Pisces too casually; don't toy with them or let them see you play the field. A Pisces does not like this behavior, as it goes against their ideas about true love and spiritual connection.
Do not subjugate their artistic impulses - this is a truly creative sign, and you may be standing in the way of their happiness and a fine piece of art.